Marine Surveys Dry Cargo Supervision Liquid Cargo Assessment About Us

Lasging of grain


Time to time it’s happen that lashing of bulk cargoes is required in order to proceed to the port of destination safely.



Party filled compartments have greatest volumetric heeling moments because they have a large volume of open spaceabove the grain surface into which the grain can shift and, also because the regulations assume a 25 degree shift instead of the 15 degree shift which applies when the compartment is filled. Consequently, a significant reduction in grain heeling moment can be achieved by totally preventing a grain shift in a partly filled compartment and thus reducing the gain heeling moment attributable to that compartment to zero. This may be accomplished by fabricating a somewhat costly construction which completely covers the slack grain surface and physically restrains it against any movement which may be generated by the motions of the ship at sea.



When, in order to eliminate heeling moments in partly filled compartments, strapping or lashing is utilized.



Our company performs securing and/or lashing of bulk cargoes such as grain, fertilizer etc., upon completion of loading with own material and forces. Company staffed with qualified personals that ensure qualitative services rendered.




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